Crafty Jennifer
Crafting to keep myself out of trouble...
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
I'm Swooning
I "missed" the previous Swoon-along craze. FairyFace Designs started a Swoon 2013, which I joined in via Instagram #swoon2013.
The Mister and I picked out these fabrics.
After I posted that picture, we removed a couple fabrics, and added in a couple different ones. When I went back and looked at the fabrics and started trying to pair them, I realized that we needed more green.
Instead of the white most people use as their back ground fabric, I am using Kona Chocolate!
One Swoon block down, eight to go...
Sunday, October 28, 2012
A gift to the family
Tutorial here |
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Still alive. No really!
I finished grad school in May of last year and then enjoyed some well-deserved time off. Then I got a new job in September. And that new job is kicking my butt on a regular basis.
And every time I thought about coming back to this blog, I didn't know how or where to start.
So now I am jumping in the deep end with both feet! CANNONBALL!
I have been quilting some, running some, and enjoying my time with Mr. Crafty. And working 50-60 hour weeks since the end of July.
Above is a photo of a quilt I made for my friend Robin as a wedding gift. Robin was one of my bridesmaids in my wedding and I was devastated that I couldn't attend her wedding in San Juan this March. She was the last of my bridesmaids to get married (both the other two got married in 2007, which was a very busy quilt-y gift year). She saw the pattern to this quilt when I posted it on Facebook and mentioned that she liked it. She requested the colors. All the blues are from Sandi Henderson's Secret Garden line, as are some of the pinks.
The quilt & I had a lovely photo shoot in Flagstaff back in May. And then Mr. Crafty's hard-drive crashed and I do not have those fun photos :-( The above photo was taken with my cell phone & Instagrammed when I was working on this quilt. I have a couple others from my phone and from the ladies in the Tucson Modern Quilt Guild (the two photos below) from when I took it to show & tell.
I stitched a signature block with her wedding date, her ring, and some of the quilt colors using a pattern from Jenny Hart.

I'm on Pinterest if you want to see some of the fun stuff I've been pinning (not necessarily making).
Hope all has been well in your neck of the woods! Thanks for stopping by! More projects to come soon, I promise.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Happy/Merry Halloween/Thanksgiving/Chanukah/Christmas/New Years!
And that it might be quiet around here for the next couple months. This week, I started my very last (yippee!!!) semester of my second masters program. I am soooo crazy that I am taking two classes over the next eight weeks and one of them is a research class. So don't expect to see too much of me around here.
I wanted to say hi and wish all of you a very happy new year. I am hoping to have a bit of time this weekend to show you the small projects I did over the past couple months...
An adult tutu in hot pink, lime green & purple with sparkly ribbons (worn for an entire half marathon)!
A wreath made entirely of ornaments that took 10 minutes and $7 to make!
And some great blogs that some of my friends are doing...
You like my teaser? Hope to see you soon!
P.S. For those of you that remember I live in Tucson, this week has been surreal but makes me proud to be a Tucsonan. This community has really come together to support each other and grieve. I still can barely believe that it happened or happened here.
I wanted to share this video with you because it really shows the Tucson I know and love, not the horrific tragedy. Mr. Crafty and I often refer to Tucson as a really big small town because we often get a small town feel even though we live in a community of a million people.
Please keep the vicitms & their families in your thoughts and prayers!
Friday, October 15, 2010
Crafty's in San Francisco
It's the end of a very long week... a very long training season... and a very long semester.
Mr. Crafty & I are in San Fran this weekend. Our first real vacation (not a trip to visit family) in... I don't know how long. I'm running th Nike Women's Marathon on Sunday.
We've had some fun today, I'll share the pics when we get back. Mr. Crafty has been using our dslr camera for most of the pictures.
Before we left, we had a hectic week. Cute, adorable, troublemaker Trixie decided to eat the elastic string from one of her toys on Saturday morning. And she had (not cheap) surgery on Monday to remove the elastic string. We had to scramble to find someone to take care of her while we're in SF...
I found this fantatic chandelier today. Mr. Crafty doesn't agree that we need it :-( For $4500, I guess I agree...
See you when we get back to Tucson!
The Craftys
Friday, October 8, 2010
Love this!
Last week, I got this email from my aunt:
And the owners of a wedding quilt I made last summer posted this on Facebook recently too. With the caption: "Thanks for the quilt, Jennifer! Molly loves it."
Tomorrow, I am getting together with the Tucson Modern Quilt Guild ladies for a little sewing time. Yippee!!! We're each going to make a block or two for a Breast Cancer quilt that we'll then donate.